Tuesday, June 17, 2014

It's All About Jesus

In just over two weeks I will be headed to South Asia to minister to girls and women of a slum in one of the larger cities. As I'm preparing to go on this six month "adventure" I'm reminded of why I'm going, what led me to do this, and the reason for it all. It would be really easy to let my motivation for going on this trip to be for social justice. The young girls and women who I will be opening up my heart to are stuck in a very oppressive caste system. They are outcasts, told that they are nothing and should not seek to become anything. They live in conditions unimaginable to us here in America. It's easy to feel bad for these women because of their lack of material wealth, and opportunities to make a better life for themselves. I could so easily stand up to defend these oppressed women, to advocate for their social justice and a better life for them. After all, the word says, "Learn to do what is good. Seek justice. Correct the oppressor. Defend the rights of the fatherless. Plead the widow's cause." Isaiah 1:17. I have to remember though, that's not why I'm going, and if I let that be my motivation for this, no matter how honorable it might seem, I will be going in vain. I'm not saying that I'm not supposed to seek justice for those who are oppressed, I think that the word plainly says that I am, and my heart deeply longs to do so. I have to be reminded though, that it's not about justice. It's not about "rights" and "should haves". It's not about the girls and women I will spend these next six months with. It's not about me or the teammates going with me. It's about Jesus. All of this is about Jesus. It's about a Savior who desires to be praised by every tribe, language, people, and nation on this earth. A Savior who died for the sins of the world, so that we might have life in Him. He is worthy of my praise, my devotion, my life. And He is worthy of the praise, devotion, and lives of those who have never heard His name. But, "how can they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? and how are they to preach unless they are sent?" Romans 1:14,15 So I hope to share with these women the greatest story of the one true God, so that they might come to know Him. I pray that throughout my time in South Asia I don't get so heart broken over physical conditions that I'm not heart broken over souls, desperately needing the redemptive love and salvation freely offered to them. I pray that my one desire will be for these people to deeply know Christ, and surrender their lives to Him. May my eyes not for a second come off of what is important. It's all about Jesus.