Tuesday, July 15, 2014

First Week In

And thus I make it my ambition to preach the gospel, not where Christ has already been named, lest I build on someone else's foundation, but as it is written, "those who have never been told of him will see, and those who have never heard will understand"
Romans 15:20,21
Around this time last year I was sitting in Zimbabwe doing my QT when I read this verse, and felt the Lord speaking to my heart. From that day He began to grow in me a desire to spread His truth in an area of the world where most people didn't even know His name. So here I am, in a country where around 2% of the 1.237 billion people living here know Him. It's so sweet to see how He has worked in my heart this past year to get me here. I've been reminded of this verse and how it was put on my heart so many times since arriving in this wonderful country. People don't know about Jesus. A LOT of people don't know about Jesus, but hearts are seeking for truth, and that's exactly what my sweet Jesus is. I'm overwhelmed daily with the thought of even being here. Can I really make a difference when there are so many people who need to hear the Good News? Thankfully if I learned anything at orientation it was the reminder that we are charged with the job of scattering and watering seeds, but with full knowledge that only the Lord can make them grow. I'm very excited for these next six months. I know it will be incredibly challenging, that I will be stretched and grown, and at times be incredibly heart broken and home sick. But I also know that God is at work in this place. There are people ready to hear the Truth and accept it, and I'm excited to see how He chooses to work.
Here are some pictures from this week:
women at a local mosque waiting to break fast for Ramadan

women often put makeup on their baby boys to make them look like girls so that they will not be kidnapped. the red on her face, and the red bracelet both show that she has been to the temple and prayed that day.

Hindu's come to this temple and tie these ribbons, as a sign of prayer

Henna designs used to tell bible stories
my teammate Lauren using her henna design to tell a bible story to some friends we met in town

A Hindu "holy city" where people come to bathe in this river, hoping to wash their sins away
a statue of shiva, a Hindu god, watching over the holy city

we're getting used to seeing cows on the streets

a view from the flat we stayed at in the capitol

Just a common street view

a few of my teammates, Taylor, Lauren, and Madison


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