Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Going Into The Darkness

"Does it not stir up our hearts, to go forth and help them... to leave our luxury, our exceeding abundant light, and go to them that sit in darkness?" - Amy Carmichael
Sometimes it's hard to understand the vast lostness of this world. Especially for me, having grown up in the middle of the "bible belt" in a Christian family, with a loving church family, always surrounded by a solid network of believers. I've heard of UPG's and UUPG's. I've always known that billions of people in this world don't know Jesus. But sometimes, that fact stays in my head, but has a hard time reaching my heart. I hear the statistics, the facts, but do I truly understand what that means? I have been convicted lately that I have been so complacent about sharing the Good News. I know how many people on this earth so desperately need to hear the Truth that I know so well, yet I neglect to share it daily. I've spent so many days in America, in my comfortable bubble, content with just talking to my Christian friends about Jesus and about how much I love Him, going to my awesome church, continually being filled up, and only occasionally pouring into someone else, mostly when it's convenient. But He has called me to so much more than that. The Lord has been opening my eyes daily to the true need, the urgent need for the Gospel to be heard among the nations. How can I sit another day, in my luxury and abundant light, knowing that so many are sitting in utter darkness? I can't. If I want to be obedient to my Father, I just can't. Nearly 4 billion people haven't been reached with the gospel. As I walk out of my door, in this bright and vibrant culture, with beautiful people surrounding me, I know that 98% or more of the people I encounter are included in that 4 billion. The hard truth is that they are headed toward eternal separation from Jesus Christ, without the slightest knowledge of who He is. The Lord is breaking my heart for these people, for the lost in general. He is giving me more of an understanding of His desire to be known and praised by the nations, and growing in me a desire to see just that. He doesn't need my help to reach the nations. His word is clear that that in the end, there will be people representing every nation, tribe, people, and tongue, praising our Father, no matter what I do. He also makes it clear, though, that to be obedient to Him we are to go and make disciples. I wasn't born into the family I was, in the country I was, in all my comfort and knowledge of Him, to keep the Gospel to myself. He did not die just to save me, or just for my friends and family. He did not die just for Americans. He died for this beautiful, broken world. So my challenge, to myself, and to whoever may read this, is to be intentional daily about sharing the Good News with those who have never heard it. It doesn't matter if that is in America, or in South Asia. People all over this world sit in darkness. They need to know Jesus, and we can share Him with them. Lets leave our luxury, our exceeding abundant light, and go to them that sit in darkness.

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