Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Here are some pictures from the last week:
A view of the city from the metro

some more views from around the city


Baby Esther and her sweet mother *Asha


Wall art is everywhere

 Flowers are most commonly used for puja (idol worship) as prayer offerings

These are some friends we met in town that we were able to share with. We plan on meeting up again, so please pray that we will have more opportunities to share with them, and that they will be receptive to the Good News

Coconut milk from the street wala is always good!

This is our favorite dosa guy, (a dosa is basically the Indian burrito) also known as the dosa Nazi. Our goal is to make him smile before December.... it's not working yet.

Begging is unfortunately a part of everyday life here. A lot of beggars will have a small child or multiple children with them

My teammate Lauren and I got stuck in a monsoon, but thankfully our dupata (scarf) turns into a hijab very easily! 

This is an auto rickshaw, our most common form of travel. Getting in one of these is an experience every single time


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