Thursday, August 21, 2014

His Plan Previals

Since I've been here in this short month and a half I can think of several times when I felt the Lord saying to me, "daughter, this is MY plan, not yours." And let me tell you from the get go, His plan is good. Yesterday my teammate and I had another reminder of this. We woke up in the morning to an email from an organization we were going to partner with, letting us know that they didn't have anything for us to do after all. It was disappointing to hear, because we had been very excited to work with them, but at the same time just the night before we had been praying that God would open the doors He wanted us to pursue during our time here, and close those He didn't. Being thankful for His immediate answer to that prayer, but still a little disappointed, we headed out to a village about an hour away. We were going to the village to buy saris from the local women there who weave the fabric and make them by hand. Our plan was to go early, buy what we needed, and head back home quickly to finish our list of things we wanted to do that day, most of which were selfish. We got to our friends house, went to pick out our sari's, and were about to head back home when we walked by this little bitty school. It "just so happened" that the two teachers were standing outside and were very ecstatic to see a couple of white faces in their village. They invited us in, and we accepted, thinking that we would just say hi and be on our way in a few minutes. Wrong! We ended up staying in the village all afternoon, singing songs with the kids, having the opportunity to share with them about Jesus and His love for them, and just loving on them the best we could. We taught them to sing "Jesus Love Me", "Waves of Mercy", and even a worship song in their own language that we had just learned the week before. We sat down on the floor, and as the kids crowded around us we got to share stories with them from the Bible. These ladies stopped the school day for us to come meet the kids, just because we were white people from America. The Lord however, intended it for His glory. He intended for these sweet kids who had never heard the name of Jesus to hear of His undying love for them. Oh, how sovereign our Lord is! We had selfishly planed that day, but He had a plan for His name to be proclaimed in a little village, to poor children in a one room school. The teachers have asked us to come back as often as possible and help teach the children English through songs and stories, and what better songs and stories can we teach than those about our Savior? Just as He so faithfully closed a door that morning, He so faithfully opened one. Praise the Lord that His plan always prevails!


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