Thursday, August 21, 2014

idols of silver and gold

I have experienced a lot of new things since being here. I'm not in the "bible belt" anymore, I'm in the devil's backyard. We went to a temple not that long ago and wow was I reminded of this. I've read in scripture about people bowing down to idols more times than I could count. It's common knowledge that lots of people around the world bow down to man made items. But until I was here and actually saw this, I just didn't understand the gravity of it. We went into this temple with the purpose of praying over the people doing puja (worship) there as we walked through. We didn't realize how dark this place was, or how much our heart would break, and out spirit would cry out for truth in the lives of these people. Chanting to rama and Krishna, the two gods this temple was devoted to, was being played over speakers throughout this very large temple. People come from all over South Asia to come to this place and seek favor from these statues. We walked through line after line, leading up to bells to ring so that they could wake up the gods before the prayed to them. They were selling food, flowers, and incense to offer them. The more you bought to offer the gods, the more you rang the bell, the more likely that the god would hear your prayer. There was statue after statue, all with people on their faces worshiping them. They had a sign at one point saying "only lord rama can save you". I was sick to my stomach reading it. What a lie from the devil! My heart has become so broken for these people seeking salvation, seeking comfort and healing, meaning for life, who are so wrapped up in this lie. "Their idols are silver and gold, the work of human hands. They have mouths but do not speak; eyes, but do not see. They have ears, but do not hear; noses but do not smell. They have hands, but do not feel; feet, but do not walk; and they do not make a sound in their throat." (Psalm 115:4-7) These gods can do nothing for these people except deceive them. I'm so thankful to know the one true God who does hear my prayers, who is alive and who is a God of action. A God of love. The only one who provides salvation through His precious son Jesus. I grew up hearing the truth of the one true God. The people here grow up hearing of more gods than I can name, with different stories and attributes, being told to worship whichever one or ones that they want to, because they are all basically the same, and lead you to the same place. I truly believe if more Christ followers in evangelized areas of the world saw the vast lostness of this place and places like it, first hand, more believers would be standing up to go and tell. These people hunger for truth. Please pray that they would seek the truth, and that they would find Him. Please pray that these people would be so dissatisfied with these idols, realizing that they have absolutely no power. Ask that the Lord would lift the veil off of their eyes so that they could see the Truth. Please pray for more believers to go and tell people who haven't heard of His saving power, His love and mercy, and His desire to know them as His child. Please ask the Him to draw these people to Himself. "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest." (Matthew 9:37,38)

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